Custom Printed Adhesive Mouse Pads & Counter Mats


Credit Policies

Most first-time orders require pre-payment.

Credit terms require payment in full no later than 30 (thirty) days from invoice date, provided has approved the account for credit. If credit has not been approved in writing by, other terms must be arranged in writing prior to production. Invoices unpaid after thirty days are delinquent and subject to a service charge of 1.5% per month (18% per annum) until paid. Accounts which become sixty days delinquent from invoice date will automatically revert to prepay before shipment or C.O.D. status until account is made current. The first prepay or C.O.D. billing will include the pending shipment charges and the balance of all delinquent invoices. All new customer accounts are prepay or C.O.D. until a completed credit application has been submitted by customer and approved by credit department of

Visa and MasterCard credit cards are accepted for payment with a service charge of 2.59% of the total order billed. American Express credit cards are accepted for payment with a service charge of 3.5% of the total order billed. Charges will appear as "BetterMousepads" on your credit card statement. Debit cards are not accepted at this time.

Accounts sixty days delinquent will be submitted to a collection agency for further legal action with a 30% service charge/collection fee added to the unpaid balance.

Return Material Authorization (RMA)

In the event that complete parts do not meet Customer's requirements, Customer must contact within 14 days of invoice date and receive an RMA number. Generally, parts claimed to be defective must be returned to be credited or corrected. Return of parts for inspection by is not to be construed as an admission of the claimed defect by special or consequential damages unless otherwise agreed to in writing by


Customer may cancel any Purchase Order, in writing, prior to shipment of the completed part. Customer shall be liable for charges for any such cancellation based upon the percentage of completion of the part. Cancellation charges will also include all materials that are on open Purchase Orders for customer that cannot be stopped or canceled by Customer also agrees to pay reasonable charges for administrative costs incurred by in procuring and stocking materials. For stock items (no imprint), a restocking fee of 20% will be incurred for returned items.


Shipping terms are F.O.B. shipping point, unless otherwise specified in writing. Upon delivery of goods to carrier, buyer assumes risk of loss and damages resulting from any cause whatsoever. Shipping dates are approximate unless guaranteed in writing.

Purchase Orders

Written Purchase Orders are required prior to manufacturing of parts. A Purchase Order is an exclusive agreement between and the issuer of a Purchase Order. The order will be accepted and manufacturing will commence only after a signed order acknowledgement is received from the customer. Artwork must be received by date specified on the order acknowledgement or ship dates may be in jeopardy.

Overruns And Underruns

Unless otherwise specifically stated on Purchase Order, overruns and underruns of industry standard 5% shall be deemed acceptable by customer. Customer will be billed for actual quantity shipped. It is the practice of to use excess overruns as samples for advertising. If parts should not be used as samples, customer must indicate so in writing.

Applicable Law

The validity, interpretation and performance of these agreements shall be governed by the laws of Alabama and this agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors, assigns, heirs, executors and personal representatives. Any disputes arising from work performed by shall be argued in the jurisdiction of, Alabama.

Copyright And Trademarks

Customer is to hold harmless when reproducing materials supplied by Customer. It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that all materials supplied for reproduction do not violate copyright or trademark restrictions. This includes, but is not limited to, installation of software in violation of licensing agreements, excerpted text, electronically generated images, Artwork, transparencies etc. assumes no liability for customer's use or misuse of copyright materials.

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