E-Mail artwork to sales@istickypad.com
Click Here to Upload Artwork via the Web
Camera-ready artwork should be provided with proper shape and size dimensions.
Typically, we print your art "as is." We assume you have color corrected, trapped and adjusted the images to your satisfaction prior to submission. For color matching, we may request a hard copy proof of your art.
We accept files in the following formats:
InDesign, QuarkXPress, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Corel Draw.
Make sure colors are defined as either spot or CMYK depending on the intended final print. Convert all text to curves/outlines to avoid font problems.
Submitting Art:
E-Mail: Files smaller than 3 MB are acceptable through e-mail at sales@istickypad.com.
FTP: Use our Upload Utility or call for FTP instructions.
File Formats:
An editable version of all files, including linked and placed images, must be submitted. Native (source) files are preferred. Photoshop files should be submitted as TIFF or EPS format (300 dpi is preferred). All files should be saved to the desired size and resolution.
Color Matching:
Colors should be defined as either spot or CMYK. Spot colors should have a PMS match or you may send a color chip for us to match. RGB files need to be converted to CMYK. Note that CMYK requires four color process printing and will incur higher print charges. Call for details.
We can scan both reflective and transparent media. Reflective scans have a maximum size of 8"x14". Transparencies should be at least a 4"x5". Upon request, larger formats can be scanned, but lead times may be lengthened.
Mixed Media Art:
When submitting art, avoid sending both digital and analog art if possible. Some analog art may need to be rebuilt in order to be added to digital art.
We recommend Postscript fonts rather than TrueType fonts.
A 1/8" bleed is required on all sides of submitted art.
Rebuilding Artwork - Art Services:
When necessary, we can rebuild most artwork, An extra art charge may be added in some cases, but you will always be informed before hand.
Customers warrant that all images supplied for reproduction, whether digital, conventional or otherwise, are unencumbered by copyright and other usage rights connected to the image(s) and agree to hold harmless and indemnify iStickyPad.com/InfoGraphics for all claims and expenses for any actions in law that may result from the use of these images.
Call or write regarding four color processing and pre-production proofs.
iStickyPad.com is an industry leading provider of innovative custom printed adhesive mouse pads and retail store counter mat solutions for promotional marketing. Make your ads sticky!
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